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The Human Concept Group uses principles of neuropsychology in the discovery and appreciation of the human being and its personal and professional potential.

Works by authors such as Milton H. Erickson and Rudolf Steiner are at the foundation of the methodology created to support the individual in achieving their life goals in a free, positive, organic and sustainable way.

São Paulo, 2018 – The search for a "purpose" that guides existence, both personally and professionally, is increasingly present in the lives of individuals. This quest, while serving as a motivation, also brings about restlessness and a sense of incapacity. Given this scenario, in 2008 Dr. Rosana Ferreira Moss created the Human Concept Group, whose objective is to value and discover the identity of the human being and its personal and professional potential. To accomplish this, they use methodologies that have their origins in Milton H. Erickson and in the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner.

The Human Concept Group uses principles of neuroscience (a) and anthroposophy (b), applied to neuropsychology, to aid in the identification and understanding of errors in judgment and choice, by promoting a better balance between so-called System 1 (basic mental operations that are automatic, faster, and without voluntary control, such as impressions, intuitions, and emotions) and System 2 (slower, controlled mental operations, triggered by complex reasoning based on subjective decision making, analysis, and affective experiences). These system definitions were coined by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, in his book "Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow."

(a) Neuroscience: a method that studies the nervous system in its relation with other areas of the human being, including the behavioral aspect

(b) Anthroposophia: spiritual science that seeks to fill the gap between faith and science, by stimulating self-awareness

What is Neurosophia®?

It is one of the main personality identification methodologies, created by Dr. Moss, to provide integral support to the individual in the achievement of awareness of their actions and the alignment of their human faculties (thinking, feeling and desire) to their life goals; all in a free, positive, organic and sustainable way.

The entire process of Neurosophia® is composed of 12 sessions of therapeutic character, with the aid of drawing techniques, clay modeling, poetry, and theater.

In addition to Neurosophia and other products of personality identification, the Human Concept Group also utilizes products for conflict resolution, planning, and career evaluation.

About Dr. Rosana Ferreira Moss

A clinical psychologist with more than 30 years of practice, she began her work with Dr. Livio Tulio Pincherle at the University of São Paulo and since then has used scientific methodologies and art to study the interaction of people in their work, their interpersonal relationships, and themselves. From this study, she developed her own method of therapy, called Neurosophia®: Human Potential Development ProgramTM.

Her other formal training includes: Master in Ericksonian therapy and also coaching, EMDR Trauma certified by Francine Shapiro, 20 years of studies with the Milton H. Erickson Institute's best specialists, qualified in MBTI, FiroB, Strong, Birkman, Interaction Style, TPP, Enneagram, and Disc.

Contact Information:
Frank Moss
WhatsApp: +55 11 96732-6649